Commercial Crime Insurance
Sadly, no matter how much we might work to prevent it, crime happens. Unfortunately, small businesses can be particularly vulnerable to it - and can struggle in its aftermath. However, there are a number of steps that any small business can - and should - take to prevent devastation in the aftermath of a crime. But what are they?
Namely, as we suggest at CD Rigden Associates, investing in commercial crime insurance is key.
What is Commercial Crime Insurance?
Commercial crime insurance helps small businesses by providing financial protection in the event of losses as the result of crime. A number of types of crime are covered by commercial crime insurance, including the following:
Employee theft
Robbery and, perhaps now more important than ever,
Cyber crime.
Why Do You Need Commercial Crime Insurance?
Largely, CD Rigden Associates recommends commercial crime insurance to cover the gaps that might be left in other insurance policies. In many cases, crime will not be covered under other types of business insurance, something that can leave you vulnerable in the event that you experience any of the above types of crime. Therefore, it is key that you keep yourself - and your business - protected.
Investing in commercial crime insurance will also help to protect your customers and clients, something that is critical to maintaining the reputation of your business.
How Should You Get Started?
You might feel overwhelmed when you learn more about what it takes to fully protect your small business. Don’t be. Here at CD Rigden Associates, we’re here to help you understand the intricacies of protecting your business and the insurance you need to do it.
Contact us today to learn more - and get started!